Coton de Tulear is a toy breed that originated in Madagascar in 15th century where it was mainly owned by the rich. The breed arrived to UK in 1990s and it's still relatively unknown.
The Cotons are lively and intelligent companions that are strongly attached to their people. They like to please and are generally easy to train. They are either super friendly or can be wary of strangers until they get to know them. They are known to be a good alarm dog who will alert you to visitors and anything unusual happening. They are not a yappy breed but if there's anything happening that you should know about, they will bark to let you know. Despite their fluffy looks, they are energetic little dogs, not what I'd call a lap dog at all. They are perfectly built for agility and sport and can run for miles.
The Cotons get their name by their cotton like coat, it's soft and wavy and has a texture of a cotton plant. Their coat sheds minimally and has no doggy smell and that makes it good for people who suffer from allergies. That same coat requires considerable grooming, especially if kept in full show coat or you can keep your Coton in a shorter, more manageable puppy cut. This is especially true when Cotons go through the puppy coat change from about 9-18 months and you'll find you'll need to groom your Coton daily. Once the puppy is in his adult coat, I find the grooming quite easy and I do it myself.
They are a healthy and long living breed with very few inherited disorders. They like their walks and will adapt to your way of life whether you live in an apartment or a big house with a garden. They are just happy to be with you!